Asia: Kazakhstan

Current Status: active

Press Council: Kazakhstan

Ұлттық баспасөз клубы, National Press Club 

Mata Seitkazy Beysengazyevich

Almaty code 050000, st. 

Phone: 8 (727) 267 03 63, fax. 267 04 63



Astana , code 010000, ul. Orynbor, 8 (Left Bank)



The National Press Club was established in October 1997 as a public association of journalists, whose members are Kazakh and foreign correspondents. It was officially registered with the Ministry of Justice of RK 17 February 1997. The main purpose of his work is to establish a constructive and civilized dialogue among the various branches of government and the media, support freedom of the press, the generalization of international experience in the organization of the media, the involvement of the national media in the international information space, provision of domestic and foreign journalists and employees of media services related to receipt and processing of the information they need.

The club elected the following forms of activity: the organization of international, national and regional conferences of journalists, press conferences, video conferences (Astana - Almaty), briefings and roundtables, the daily monitoring of the media, organizing press tours, as well as the organization and placement of advertising and PR- materials in the domestic and foreign press.

Updated: 22/08/2017