Boris Navasardian (President)
9B, Ghazar Parpetsi str.
0002 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Tel.: +374 10 53 00 67; 53 35 41; 53 76 62
Fax: +374 10 53 56 61
E-mail: pressclub@ypc.am
Web: http://ypc.am/
The Clubwas founded in July 1995 and is the first professional association of journalists in Armenia, established during the post-communist period. YPC is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that unites journalists, publishers, media leaders and experts, irrespective of their political ideas.
YPC Mission is to support and development of independent and professional media, seeking to help strengthen democratic institutions and establish civil society in Armenia. Their objectives are:
- To defend the journalists’ right of freedom of expression and of free access to information
- To assist in improving the legislative and the economic base of the media
- To promote professional contacts between Armenian and foreign media and individual journalists
- To strive for respect and adoption of principles of professional ethics by journalists
- To assist in the growth of journalists’ professional skills – through various workshops, conferences, trainings, etc.
Updated: 16/08/2017