Europe: Slovakia

Current Status: active

Press Council: Slovakia

Tlačová rada Slovenskej republiky, Press Council of the Slovak Republic

Julius Lorincz (chair)

Press Council of the Slovak Republic
Župné náměstí 7
811 03 Bratislava
Slovak Republic


Press Council of the Slovak Republic (SR TR) is the executive body of the Association for the Protection of journalistic ethics (AONE) in ethical self-regulation of journalists. Press Council hears complaints notifying the violation of journalistic ethics, as well as complaints about obstruction of journalists from accessing information.

Stacker AONE agreement signed October 2, 2001 representatives of the Slovak Syndicate of Journalists (SSN) and the Association of Periodical Publishers Slovakia (ZVPTS). Association governed Corps representatives AONE, in which each of the member organizations of three members. At the head stands AONE President, in that capacity, the leaders of both organizations regularly rotated.


Updated: 17/08/2017




Mr Zuzana Krutka (Chair).

Tlacova rada Slovenskej republiky

Zupne namestie 7

815 68 Bratislava


Tel: 00 421 2 5443 5071

Fax: 00 421 2 5443 4534

Email: ;


Ethical self-regulation derives from a voluntary union of journalists, publishers and operators with the aim of safeguarding the journalists' professional ethics. ??In Slovakia the Code of Journalists' Ethics was approved by the First Congress of the Slovak Syndicate of Journalists in 1990.

The Slovak Syndicate of Journalists together with the Slovak Association of Publishers of Periodical Press established a civic institution – the Association for the Protection of Journalists' Ethics in the Slovak republic, its top body being the Press Council of the Slovak Republic.

On February 11, 2002 the representatives of both organisations elected unanimously six members of the Press Council. ??The Press Council membership was accepted by:

  • Miroslav Cipár, academic painter (Chairman)
  • ?Ján Hrubala, lawyer (Vice-Chairman)
  • Doc. PhDr. Elena Hradiská, CSc. (spokeswoman)
  • RNDr. Pavol Demeš, Director of the Central And Eastern Europe Office, The German Marshall Fund of US
  • PhDr. Ivan Kamenec, CSc., historian ?- Ivan Osuský, Bishop of the Western District of the Evangelical Church A. C. in Slovakia.

The Press Council started its activities in April, 2002. ??The Press Council operates according to the Statutes approved by the members of the Board of representatives of the Association on Protection of Journalists' Ethics and the members of the Press Council of the Slovak Republic on March 20, 2002. The Press Council deals with complaints and makes decisions in accordance with the Code of Journalists' Ethics and the Proce-dural Statutes of the Press Council.

The members of the Press Council have been elected for a period of two, four and six years. After two years' tenure, Mr. Pavol Demeš was replaced by JUDr. Peter Kerecman. ??The Press Council members do not work as active journalists and are not employees of publishing firms.

Last Update - Aug 2006