Общественная коллегия по жалобам на прессу, Public Board Press Complaints
Mikhail Fedotov (President)
Aleksandra Lukashova (executive secretary)
(495) 637-5268
(915) 402-7124
Zubovsky Blvd., 4 (kab. 411)
Moscow, 119991, GSP-1
Tel: +7 495 637 5268
Email: press.collegium@mail.ru
Web: http://www.presscouncil.ru
Public Board Press Complaints is an independent structure of civil society, provides self-regulation in the media. The purpose of the organization is the resolution of information disputes.
Public Board on the Press Complaints consists of two chambers: the House of the media community (representatives of associations, the media, journalists, publishers, broadcasters, distributors, advertising agencies, etc.) and the House of the media audience (representatives of the Judicial Council, the Public Chamber the Russian Federation, various trade unions, political parties, religious and other non-governmental organizations), each of which is headed by the Chairman of the Chamber and his two deputies.
In accordance with an amendment to the Charter, the Presidents of the Chambers and their deputies, as well as the executive secretary of the Board constitute a permanent Presidency of the Board entrusted with the board meeting preparation, organization of work of ad hoc boards, decisions on rejection of inadmissible applications, the presentation of the Board in public relations.
Consideration of information disputes carried out ad hoc colleges, established to deal with each particular dispute, taking into account the competence of the members of the Board in each case.They are formed by the co-chairs agreed decision of the Board from among the members who have expressed their consent to participate in the meeting. In the formation of ad hoc board as far as possible taken into account the wishes of the participants of information dispute.
The main tasks of the Public Board are:
• creating a culture of professional journalism and fair;
• Restoring and strengthening confidence in the media,
• strengthening freedom of the press in Russia.
Most complaints to the College relating to the protection of honor and dignity of many complaints involve failure to question the right of reply or refutation of the disputed material. Increasingly, there are the applicants' complaints concerning defamation, they mainly come from government employees, large corporations, and various non-governmental organizations, politicians and other public figures.
Public Board bases its activities on codes and declarations of professional ethics of journalists, among them the Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists, and the Code of Professional Ethics of Russian journalists, and the Charter of Broadcasters and many other documents.
Updated: 17/08/2017
The Grand Jury
Complaints Commission set up by the Union of Journalists
Russian Union Of Journalists
Bogdanov Vsevolod Leonidovich (chair)
Tel:(495) 637-51-01
e-mail: post@ruj.ru
Moscow, Zubovsky Bulvar 4
Tel: 8 (495) 637-51-01 / 637-23-95
Email: ruj@ruj.ru
Fax: 8(495) 637-35-47
Hotline to protect Journalists
Tel/fax: (495) 637-44-47
Email: ur@ruj.ru
"Within the general law of each country the journalist shall recognize in professional matters the jurisdiction of colleagues only, to the exclusion of every kind of interference by governments or others". ??Inspired by these words from the IFJ [International Federation of Journalists] Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists, the 6th Congress of Russian Union of Journalists held in May, 1998, decided to establish the Union's own "Supreme Court — "the Grand Jury" and it elected two co-chairmen: former Ministers of the press Michail Nenashev and Michail Fedotov.
According to its statutes, the Grand Jury is a corporate institution of civil society meant to examine conflict situations of an ethical character arising in the journalistic community in connection with journalists fulfilling their professional duties. ??The main objectives of the Grand Jury are:
- To shape a culture of professional and honest journalism;
- To restore and strengthen trust in the media;
- ?To strengthen press freedom in the Russian Federation.
The Grand Jury is formed by its co-chairpersons on the basis of proposals by journalists' organizations from among authoritative members of Russian Union of Journalists who have an unstained reputation and are known in the journalistic community for their high ethical qualities. In a few Russian regions (Astrachan, Vladimir, Ivanovo and others) the Grand Jury members are united into regional boards.
Practically anyone may appeal to the Grand Jury for protection — anyone who is interested in the ethical assessment of the professional activity of a journalist, newspaper, founder, publisher, distributor or owner of media, as well as any State body having competence in the media field.
Conflicting parties are offered to sign an Agreement by which they recognise the jurisdiction of the Grand Jury and accept to present materials relevant to the given conflict and confirming validity of their positions. ??The date of the Grand Jury meeting is fixed by agreement with the parties in the conflict after the presented materials have been examined. The Grand Jury makes a decision based on its examination of the conflict situation, on the provisions of the Russian Media Law, on the Journalists' Code of Ethics, on the IFJ Declaration of principles concerning the behaviour of journalists, and on other internationally recognized standards of conduct of journalists.
Many people have recognized the jurisdiction of the Grand Jury. Among those who have signed the Agreement to support the Grand Jury are executives of leading Russian media, governors, speakers of legislative bodies, known politicians and journalists, heads of regional and local journalists' organizations. The majority have signed the Agreement not in connection with a certain conflict but because of internal demand to further the strengthening of professional and ethical standards of media activities. In 2003, the Grand Jury considered 38 complaints. ??More information on the Grand Jury may be found on the site of Russian Union of Journalists: www.ruj.ru
Rostov Arbitration for Media Disputes
Regional press council
Mr Fedor Lavrikov (Chair); Anghelika Sineok (Secretary General)
c/o Ms Sineok
Kalinina Str. 32A - Apt 50
344004 Rostov-on-Don
Tel: NA
Fax: NA
Email: theodorosl@mail.ru; asinek@bk.ru
Created in 2003.
Nizhny-Novgorod Media Complaints Commission
Mr Sergei Chuyanov (Chair); Sofiya Khavkina (Secretary General).
Centre for the Protection of Press Rights
Pl. Teatralnaya,
d. 3, Office 23
Tel: 7 (8312) 35 97 02 / or 19 26 95
Fax: NA
Email: sofija@kp-f.nnov.ru
Created in 2004.
Last Update - Aug 2006