Europe: Bulgaria

Current Status: active

Press Council: Bulgaria

Комисия за журналистическа етика, Commission on Journalistic Ethics 

Alexander Kashumov (Chair) 

c. Sofia, 1463 Square

NDK - Administrative building, fl. 15, office № 2


Tel: 3592 (4339) 465



The "National Council for Journalistic Ethics" was established in 2005 to create a system of self-regulation of print and electronic media in Bulgaria, through interpretation and application of the Code of Ethics of the Bulgarian media and resolution of disputes between the media and their audience. 

Co-founders of the foundation are: 

  • The Association of Bulgarian Broadcasters - ABRΘ
  • Bulgarian Media Coalition, 
  • The Union of Publishers in Bulgaria 
  • The Union of Bulgarian Journalists
  • Center for Media Development

Θsnovniyat commitment of the "NSZHE" is to create a Commission on Ethics to monitor compliance with the Code of Ethics of the Bulgarian media, consider and rule on individual complaints of citizens and organizations. 

The Foundation provides affordable, clear, free and rapid procedure for submission and consideration of complaints from citizens and organizations against the print and electronic media. 

Last composition of the Commission on Ethics began work in early 2015. 

The process of self-regulation journalistic ethics in Bulgaria started by the constitution of the individual at that moment Committees on Ethics in print and in electronic media respectively. 

The construction of the system began in late 2005 and ended with the adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the Commission on Ethics in the press and the Commission on Ethics in electronic media (March 2006) and the establishment of the necessary technical conditions for the implementation of the action (May 2006). The Commission accepts complaints since June 2006. 

In a broader sense, the purpose of the "NSZHE" and the Commission of Journalistic Ethics is through the establishment of uniform professional standards and the promotion of media self-regulation and the right of those affected to appeal to contribute to the formation of information culture of the Bulgarian readers and viewers and creating a need for search of accurate, verified and balanced information to increase confidence in the media, but also their responsibility. 

By examining individual complaints of citizens through the establishment of high professional journalistic standards, the Commission defends enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria communication rights and freedoms of Bulgarian citizens. 

Updated: 28/02/2016