Asia: Indonesia

Indonesian Aliance of Journalists Code of Ethics

Current Status: unknown

Code of ethics, adopted by the The Alliance of Independent Journalists (Aliansi Jurnalis Independen – AJI) in Jakarta on 12 July 1998.

1. A journalist respects the right of society to obtain correct information.

2. A journalist always defends the principles of free and balanced coverage, reporting, criticism and comments.

3. A journalist gives a place to groups who do not have the strength or opportunity to voice their aspirations.

4. A journalist only reports those facts and opinion that have a clear source.

5. A journalist does not hide important information that must be known by society.

6. A journalist obtains news, photographs and documents in an ethical manner.

7. A journalist respects the right for a source to give background information, off the record and embargo.

8. A journalist immediately corrects any news they know to be inaccurate.

9. A journalist maintains the secrecy of the source of confidential information, identity of victims of sexual abuse and underage criminal offenders.

10. A journalist avoids hatred, prejudice, derogatory attitudes and discrimination in the areas of: ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, political views, physical disabilities/illness, mental disabilities/illness or other matters of social background.

11. A journalist respects the privacy of the individual, except when this is to the detriment of society.

12. A journalist does not present news, which graphically portrays indecency, cruelty, physical or sexual violence.

13. A journalist does not use their position or the information they possess to pursue personal gain.

14. A journalist is forbidden to receive bribes.
Notation: The bribery is all forms of presents and gifts, such as money, goods and/or other facilities, which influence journalists in their jobs.

15. A journalist is not permitted to plagiarize.

16. A journalist avoids slander and slighting reputations.

17. A journalist avoids intervention from other parties, which seek to obstruct the application of the above principles.

18. Cases related to the Code of Ethics will be handled by the Council for the Code of Ethics.