Asia: Afghanistan

Afghanistan National Journalists Union: Code of Ethics for Members

Current Status: active

A journalist should:

1.Defends the following principles: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, right to information access

2. In the course of his/her professional career, avoids or abstains from all manners of discrimination based on race, religion, color, age, gender, disability, tribe, language and cultural differences

3. In the course of his/her professional career, observes accuracy and deliberately avoids misinformation, libel/slander, baseless threats, gossip and concealing facts

4. Respects the public’s right to information access and takes into consideration accuracy as part of their duties

5. Respects human dignity and cultural diversity, and accepts universal values as part of his/her professional ethics

6. Strives to eliminate war, hatred, violence, distrust, poverty, ignorance and other social disease during his/her professional career

7. In his/her professional career, considers national interests in accordance with applicable legislative documents

8. Observes balance, impartiality and fairness in accordance with professional ethical values

9. Always distinguishes between facts and opinions

10. Does not accept state and non-state pressure to distort or hide information

11. Will not self-censor unless it is in the public interest

12. Will not disclose the identities of confidential sources unless by order of a court of law

13. Off-the-record information will not be disseminated, published or broadcast unless it is vital to public interest

14. Acquires documents and information, particularly for investigative reports, transparently and honestly [unless it is not possible to collect, publicize and/or distribute information transparently]. In the public interest, said documents must be published

15. Refrains from publishing or broadcasting information based on false sources

16. Does not accept gifts or bribes to either publish or not publish information for special interests

17. Treat interviewees politely so as to not cause offense or ridicule

18. In the event that he/she discovers errors, issues a correction through appropriate means

19. Will not abuse freedom of expression to insult, humiliate, slander or libel others

20. Respects intellectual property rights and does not engage in plagiarism

21. Respects individual privacy and avoids disclosing personal secrets

22. Does not harass, threaten or stalk sources in order to gain information

23. When asked by interviewees, introduces himself/herself and his/her organization



Updated: 22/03/2016