(The eight basic rules of the English language daily published in Bangkok)
Recalling the traditional basic role of the newspaper to inform, influence, entertain the reading public, to foster the development of the nation's economy as well as its political well-being, and above all to serve the people at large and help ensure their better lives, the Bangkok Post determines to operate under the following cardinal principles:
To search for the truth in its reporting on local, national and international issues in order to provoke understanding and expand knowledge.
To remain fair, honest and impartial in the representation of news and opinions, giving all sides an opportunity to be heard and correcting all distortions.
To stay free and independent of individuals, parties or any particular interest group.
To strive for national advancement in political, economic, social and cultural fields.
To avoid all forms of sensationalism and favouritism.
To ensure that national interest prevails over factionalism.
To observe the strict confidentiality of sources of information.
To uphold and respect the constitutional monarchy of Thailand.